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NRA is losing grip on influencing of public gun policy according to latest polls

NRA is losing grip on influencing of public gun policy according to latest polls, The vast majority of the American support common sense "gun control" laws, and the National Rifle Association (NRA) does not, the latest polling data released yesterday shows. The public sentiment toward the NRA has changed dramatically since the Sandy Hook scholl shooting in which 20 innocent children and 6 adults were gunned down in cold blood.

The recent United States Senate vote that knocked down common sense approaches to "background checks" and common sense approaches to "gun trafficking" may become the tipping point. The NRA, it appears, overplayed their hand, by blocking these common sense measures. In a Gallup survey taken in the week after the Senate voted against the measure, 65 percent said the Senate should have passed it versus 29 percent who said it shouldn't have passed.

In addition, 83 percent of Americans support "background checks," although down from a previous 91 percent support. "Regardless of whether one looks at the 91 percent or the 83 percent support level, it is clear that more Americans support the concept of a law expanding background checks for gun purchases than say the Senate should have passed such a law," said Gallup poll's editor-in-chief, Frank Newport.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

United State Senators from the states of Alaska, Arizona, Nevada, and Ohio are facing a serious backlash for voting against gun control legislation. Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Dean Heller (R-Nev.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) have all seen their approval ratings fall since voting against a proposal to expand background checks earlier this month, according to a new Public Policy Polling (PPP).

For example, The Hill reported that in Arizona, only 32 percent of voters said they approved of Flake, while a majority — 52 percent — said they're less likely to vote for him in a future election because of his vote against the background check bill. Just 19 percent said Flake's vote made them more likely to back him in the future.

The other senators have a similar narrative.

Vote with the NRA, and risk your seat.

The recent candidacy and big victory of Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL), brought the political side of the issue to the forefront. Rep. Robin Kelly ran against two Democratic, pro-NRA opponents in the Democratic primary and made their "A+ NRA rating" the issue. Rep. Kelly roundly defeated them, with tremendous grassroots support in the beginning, and little later, the '"netroots" and financial support of the Daily Kos and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Rep. Kelly has been a catalyst for the gun debate and has become a counterbalance to the NRA.

It is because of this that the issue of common sense approaches to "background checks" and common sense approaches to "gun trafficking" will live to see another vote.

Sooner, rather than later.

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John is the author of an award-winning book, the 2010 Winner of the USA National Best Book award for African-American studies, published by The Elevator Group Mr. and Mrs. Grassroots: How Barack Obama, Two Bookstore Owners, and 300 Volunteers did it. Also available an eBook on Amazon. John is also a member of the Society of Midland Authors and is a book reviewer of political books for the New York Journal of Books. John has volunteered for many political campaigns.

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